When Are the Changes Set to Take Place?
The rollout of interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms will happen over a 10-year period.
Below are the dates that buildings will need to comply by:
- 1 January 2017: in new dwellings and substantially renovated dwellings.
- 1 January 2022: in domestic dwellings leased and sold
- 1 January 2027: in all other domestic dwellings.
How to Ensure Your Building is Compliant
Although Strata schemes are not required to install the photoelectric smoke alarms until 2022, StarBMS are proactive to ensure your building is compliant.
At StarBMS we are qualified Fire Safety Advisors. We use qualified and experienced electricians and will ensure work is completed to a high standard.
Smoke Alarms
Let Star BMS Assist your Building with All Smoke Alarm and Fire Safety Services
On top of our core service offerings, Star BMS put a strong focus on compliance and safety.
This can be translated by our initiative in smoke alarm compliance. Star Building Management Services are able to provide a proposal to address the new Smoke Alarm legislation to ensure your building is compliant. This involves a complete smoke alarm solution, by arranging the installation of photoelectric smoke alarms in all lots, and ongoing maintenance. At Star BMS we are qualified Fire Safety Advisors. We use qualified, experienced electricians and will ensure work is completed to a high standard and to meet the new legislative requirements.
Queensland Smoke Alarm Legislation Updates
The Queensland State Government introduced new smoke alarm laws which specifies that all Queensland dwelling will be required to have interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms in all bedrooms, in hallways that connect bedrooms with the rest of the dwelling and on every level.
In all domestic dwellings
leased and sold.
1 JAN 2022
In all other domestic
1 JAN 2027
What Are the Changes?
The new legislation requires all Queensland dwellings to install photoelectric smoke alarms in all bedrooms and in hallways that connect bedrooms with the rest of the dwelling.
What is a Photoelectric Smoke Alarm?
Photoelectric smoke alarms are also known as optical or photo-optical. The alarms have the capability to detect visible particles of combustion.
Research has found that photoelectric alarms respond quicker than the current smoke alarms and they are less likely to create a false alarm.
Why Are the Changes Occurring?
Photoelectric smoke alarms are becoming compliant to address the danger of fires occurring whilst people are sleeping in their homes. When people are sleeping, their sense of smell also sleeps.
Photoelectric smoke alarms will detect the smoke in its early stages allowing you to exit your property safely.

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